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The Apache Maven team would like to announce the release of Maven 3.5.4

Maven 3.5.4 is available for download.

Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project’s build, reporting and documentation from a central place.

The core release is independent of the plugins available. Further releases of plugins will be made separately. See the PluginList for more information.

We hope you enjoy using Maven! If you have any questions, please consult:

  • the web site:
  • the maven-user mailing list:
  • the reference documentation:

Reporters and Contributors of this release

We really value the contributions of these non committers, so this section is focused on those individuals. Descriptions of the issues fixed can be found at the end of these release notes.


  • MNG-6370 reporter and contributor: Sylwester Lachiewicz
  • MNG-6382 reporter: Falko Modler
  • MNG-6388 reporter: Mike Kelly
  • MNG-6410 reporter and contributor: Łukasz Dywicki


  • MNG-5756 reporter: Jarkko Rantavuori contributor: eis
  • MNG-5940 contributor: Florian Brunner
  • MNG-6411 reporter and contributor: Łukasz Dywicki

Dependency Upgrades:

  • MNG-6344 reporter and contributor: Sylwester Lachiewicz

Many thanks to all reporters and contributors for their time and support.

Preliminary Testers

Thank you also for your time and feedback.

Known Issues

At the time of release, there are no known regressions introduced by this release

Overview about the changes

This release is primarily aimed to resolve the two regressions introduced in the 3.5.3 release, specifically MNG-6372 and MNG-6388.

There are some additional minor improvements, the most notable of which is:

  • The Maven Super POM changes the default execution of the maven-source-plugin jar goal into jar-no-fork which should resolve some issues complex projects had running releases.


  • MNG-6370 ConcurrencyDependencyGraph#getNumberOfBuilds() does not remove finished projects from unfinished ones
  • MNG-6372 On Windows Maven can output spurious ANSI escapes such as [0m [0m
  • MNG-6382 JANSI fails frequently with NumberFormatException when building in parallel
  • MNG-6386 ${project.baseUri} is not a valid URI (according to RFC 3986)
  • MNG-6388 Error Fetching Artifacts: “[B cannot be cast to java.lang.String”
  • MNG-6403 Artifact#VERSION_FILE_PATTERN does not escape period between date and time
  • MNG-6410 Add groupId to --resume-from suggestion if artifactId is not unique in reactor


  • MNG-5756 Java home output in mvn -v is misleading
  • MNG-5940 Change the maven-source-plugin jar goal into jar-no-fork in Maven Super POM
  • MNG-6362 Add documentation information for GitHub
  • MNG-6363 Remove secret thread configuration property from code
  • MNG-6364 Enhanced Jenkinsfile to test Core with JDK 9
  • MNG-6411 Improve readability of project list returned when --resume-from option value is invalid


  • MNG-6377 switch from Git-WIP to Gitbox

Dependency upgrades

  • MNG-6344 Upgrade Guice to 4.2.0
  • MNG-6423 Upgrade to Wagon 3.1.0

The full list of changes can be found in our issue management system.

Complete Release Notes

See complete release notes for all versions

Contact Information: see

This is the home page for the Open Source SAXON XSLT processor developed by Saxonica Limited. It also provides information about commercial versions of the Saxon product available from Saxonica.

See also the project page for Saxon.

Documentation for the current release of Saxon is available online at

The latest (and most stable) version of Saxon is version 9.9, first released on 27 September 2018.On the Java platform, Saxon 9.9 requires Java 8 or above (earlier versions will runon Java 6 or above).

There are several editions of Saxon currently maintained:

  • Saxon-HE (home edition) is an open source product available under the Mozilla Public License version 2.0. It provides implementations of XSLT (3.0), XQuery (3.1), and XPath (2.0 and 3.1) at the basic level of conformancedefined by W3C. It is available for Java and .NET.

  • Saxon-PE (professional edition) is a commercial product available at modest prices from Saxonica Limited. It adds a number of features to Saxon-HE, including support for Saxon extensions and extensibility mechanisms, support for optional features defined in XSLT 3.0 and XQuery 3.1 including higher-order functions, integration with the ICU-J library to provide localization for different languages, and support for external object models such as JDOM2, XOM, DOM4J, and AXIOM. It is available for Java and .NET.

  • Saxon-EE (enterprise edition) is the fully-featured commercial product. Saxon-EE 9.9 offers a complete implementation of the XSLT 3.0 Recommendation published on 8 June 2017. As well as a fully conformant XSD 1.0 and XSD 1.1 schema processor, and support for schema-aware XSLT and XQuery processing, it offers many other features including streaming in XSLT and XQuery, support for XQuery updates, an advanced query optimizer, compilation of XQuery and XSLT code to Java bytecode, multi-threaded execution, and much more. For full details, see the Saxonica web site. It is available for Java and .NET.

  • Saxon-JS (JavaScript edition) provides XSLT 3.0 running in the browser. Stylesheets are compiled into Stylesheet Export Files using Saxon-EE, and can then be executed in the browser. It runs in all modern browsers with Javascript enabled.

  • Saxon/C is currently at version 1.1.2 for Linux and Mac OS, and version 1.1.3 for Windows. This release is based on Saxon 9.8 source code. It offers the same core functionality as the Saxon-HE product, but cross-compiled into a native executable library (.dll on Windows, .so on Linux) with a C-compatible API, plus a PHP extension enabling it to be invoked from PHP applications. It can also be invoked from other languages such as Perl, Python, and Ruby. Details can be found on the project page.

Saxon 9.9 on Java requires Java 8 or later. Earlier versions require Java 6 or later.

Saxon 9.8 on .NET requires .NET framework 3.5 or later. It also works on Mono, but we donot run complete tests on this platform. Saxon does not run on .NET Core (this is because theIKVM compiler which we rely on does not target this platform).

A comparison of the features available in different editions of the Saxon product is available.

A detailed history of changes in successive releasesis available.

Current releases

Saxon-EE 9.9

The commercial Enterprise Edition from Saxonica, supporting XSLT 3.0, XPath 2.0 and 3.1, XQuery 3.1, XML Schema 1.0 and 1.1, and XQuery Update 1.0.

All current releases are listed on the Saxonica download page.

Source code for Saxon-EE is not available (except to Saxonica development partners).

Saxon-PE 9.9

The commercial Professional Edition from Saxonica, supporting XSLT 3.0, XPath 2.0 and 3.1, and XQuery 3.1. It omits support for some optional features of these specifications, notably schema awareness and (in the case of XSLT 3.0) streaming.

All current releases are listed on the Saxonica download page.

Source code for Saxon-PE is not available (except to Saxonica development partners).

Saxon-HE 9.9

The open-source implementation of XSLT 3.0, XPath 2.0 and 3.1, and XQuery 3.1. This provides the 'basic' conformance level of these languages; it alsosupports some optional features of the specifications such as serialization and support for XQuery modules.

Not included in the Home Edition are: schema processing and schema aware XSLT and XQuery; support for higher-order functions; support for XPath 1.0 (and XSLT 1.0) backwards compatibility mode, numerous Saxon extensions; calling out to Java methods; XQuery Update support; various optimizations including join optimization, streamed processing,multi-threaded execution, and byte code generation.

There are four files available:a ZIP file containing executable code for the Java platform; a .EXE installer for the.NET platform; a resources file containing documentation and sample applications applicableto both platforms; and a ZIP archive of the source code for both platforms. (Documentation is also available online)


Recent Saxon-HE releases can also be downloaded from Maven: see Maven Repository.

The latest maintenance release for Java and .NET is Saxon, released on 4 March 2020. Saxon 9.9 is currently considered the most stable and reliable release.

Since Saxon 9.4, the Subversion repository for source code is no longer maintained in SourceForge, but on the Saxonica site at The repository does not contain the development branch of the code, only versions that have been released; it is the best way of obtaining bug fixes quickly if you are prepared to build the product from source (which is not for the faint-hearted).

Note that bug fixes are typically made available in Subversion as soon as they are available, and are then consolidated periodically into a maintenance release. Source code under development is not held in Subversion, and is not available until a tested release is issued. Sometimes prereleases of new facility releases are made available for testing; theseare announced on the saxon-help mailing list but will not generally be advertised here.

Older releases of Saxon-HE remain available from SourceForge: see the SourceForge download page for details. If you require a release thatis no longer listed, please ask: we can't offer to support it, but in general we don't mind you using it at your own risk.

Saxon-JS 1.2

Saxon-JS is the Javascript edition of Saxon, offering XSLT 3.0 running in the browser. It supersedes the earlier Saxon-CE product. For informationabout the product, see the Saxon-JS home page.

Bugs, Forums and Discussion Lists

The bug tracker for all versions of Saxon is a Redmine database hostedat You are free to enter new bugs here directly,or if bugs are raised by other routes (such as the mailing list) we will register them there if they needto be tracked.

The Redmine database also offers discussion forums and these are the best way to raise technical issuesor questions that need an answer from the Saxonica development team.

The SourceForge project hosts a mailing list, saxon-help, which provides a good way of reaching otherSaxon users. Since SourceForge is dedicated to open source, we don't encourage use of this list for issuesspecific to the commercial versions of the product.

If you need help using the underlying languages (XSLT, XQuery, XSD etc) and the problem is not specificto Saxon, it's better to use a general forum rather than a Saxon community resource. TheStackOverflow site is the best place to get a good answer to straight coding questions, while the xsl-list(also known as the Mulberry list) is the place for deeper discussions about the nature of XSLT as a language.

To search the history of previous questions and answers on these lists, the database maintained at MarkMail is the most comprehensive and most readily searchable.

Please try to avoid contacting Saxonica developers by personal email; while we love to help, it's much easierto manage the correspondence through an archived forum.

Older Products


Saxon-HE does not offer all the capabilities that were present in Saxon-B. Most notably, support for Saxon extension functions and other extensions was dropped, as was the capability for writing extension functions that rely on dynamic loading of Java or .NET code (a new facility for 'integrated extension functions' is however available). Users whose code relies on these features of Saxon-B should either purchase the Professional Edition product or stick with Saxon-B: the latest release of Saxon-B is, and although there are no plans to develop it further or maintain it, it will remain available indefinitely.

Saxon-B version is a completeand conformant implementation of the XSLT 2.0, XQuery 1.0, and XPath 2.0 Recommendations published on 23 January 2007 by W3C.

Saxon-B is availableon both the Java and .NET platforms.

For the bug fixesin each successive maintenance release, see the Release Notes and Change Notes for the releaseon the SourceForge downloads page.

It can be downloaded from:

  • Download documentation and samples (11.9 Mbytes). (Note, this file was first issued with Saxon-B and the URL reflects this. The source code present in this file is the source of

Saxon 6.5.5

The Saxon XSLT 1.0 processor remains available. The latest version is 6.5.5. However, even if your stylesheets only require XSLT 1.0, it is probably better to run them under Saxon 9.x

This product is mature and stable, and further developments are very unlikely.

The download includes documentation, sourcecode, Java executables, and sample code.

Known limitations of this release are listed here. This pagewill be updated with information about any new bugs that come to light.

Old products

Ant Task for Saxon

There is a custom Ant task for invoking Saxon XSLT transformations. This was previously issued as part of the Saxon product but has now been separated into a separate package under the Saxon SourceForge project. It is no longer actively developed and is not recommended (there are a number of bugs, and it is difficult to improve the quality because of an absence of test material). The download ishere.


The Ælfred XML Parser that was bundled with Saxon versionsup to version 7.1 is available as a separate download. It is of historic interest only.


Also available on this site is the DTDGenerator program. This was formerlyproduced as a Saxon demonstration application, but has since been adapted to work as a pureSAX application, with no dependencies on the Saxon software.

Documentation for earlier releases remains present on the SourceForge web site:6.4.2, 6.4.3,6.5,6.5.1,6.5.2,6.5.3,6.5.4,6.5.5,7.0,7.1,7.2,7.3,7.3.1,7.4,7.5,7.5.1,7.6,7.7,7.8,7.9,7.9.1

For releases from 8.0 onwards, the documentation is not available directlyon the web site, but can be obtained by downloading the software.

Michael H. Kay
4 March 2020