Free Download Cocoa Programming For Mac

Sep 08, 2015  Cocoa Programming for OS X, 5th Edition. This branch contains solutions and the companion guide for Swift 2.0. If you are using Swift 1.2, see the swift1-2 branch. Solutions and Errata. The official home of the Python Programming Language. While Javascript is not essential for this website, your interaction with the content will be limited.

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  • By Aaron Hillegass, Adam Preble
  • Published Nov 9, 2011 by Addison-Wesley Professional.


  • Sorry, this book is no longer in print.

eBook (Watermarked)

  • Your Price: $31.99
  • List Price: $39.99
  • Includes EPUB, MOBI, and PDF
  • This eBook includes the following formats, accessible from your Account page after purchase:

    EPUBThe open industry format known for its reflowable content and usability on supported mobile devices.

    MOBIThe eBook format compatible with the Amazon Kindle and Amazon Kindle applications.

    PDFThe popular standard, used most often with the free Adobe® Reader® software.

    This eBook requires no passwords or activation to read. We customize your eBook by discreetly watermarking it with your name, making it uniquely yours.


  • Copyright 2012
  • Edition: 4th
  • Book
  • ISBN-10: 0-321-77408-6
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-321-77408-8

The best-selling introduction to Cocoa, once again updated to cover the latest Mac programming technologies, and still enthusiastically recommended by experienced Mac OS X developers.

“Cocoa® Programming for Mac® OS X is considered by most to be the de-facto intro-to-OS X programming text.”

—Bob Rudis, the Apple Blog

“I would highly recommend this title to anyone interested in Mac development. Even if you own the previous edition, I think you’ll find the new and revised content well worth the price.”

—Bob McCune,

If you’re developing applications for Mac OS X, Cocoa® Programming for Mac® OS X, Fourth Edition, is the book you’ve been waiting to get your hands on. If you’re new to the Mac environment, it’s probably the book you’ve been told to read first.

Covering the bulk of what you need to know to develop full-featured applications for OS X, written in an engaging tutorial style, and thoroughly class-tested to assure clarity and accuracy, it is an invaluable resource for any Mac programmer. Specifically, Aaron Hillegass and Adam Preble introduce the two most commonly used Mac developer tools: Xcode and Instruments. They also cover the Objective-C language and the major design patterns of Cocoa. Aaron and Adam illustrate their explanations with exemplary code, written in the idioms of the Cocoa community, to show you how Mac programs should be written. After reading this book, you will know enough to understand and utilize Apple’s online documentation for your own unique needs. And you will know enough to write your own stylish code.

Updated for Mac OS X 10.6 and 10.7, this fourth edition includes coverage of Xcode 4, blocks, view-based table views, Apple’s new approach to memory management (Automatic Reference Counting), and the Mac App Store. This edition adds a new chapter on concurrency and expands coverage of Core Animation. The book now devotes a full chapter to the basics of iOS development.

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Table of Contents

Preface xix

Acknowledgments xxi

Chapter 1: Cocoa: What Is It? 1

A Little History 1

Tools 3

Language 4

Objects, Classes, Methods, and Messages 5

Frameworks 6

How to Read This Book 7

Typographical Conventions 7

Common Mistakes 8

How to Learn 8

Chapter 2: Let’s Get Started 11

In Xcode 11

In Interface Builder 15

A Look at Objective-C 25

Documentation 31

What Have You Done? 31

Chronology of an Application 32

Chapter 3: Objective-C 35

Creating and Using Instances 35

Using Existing Classes 37

Creating Your Own Classes 48

The Debugger 58

What Have You Done? 63

Meet the Static Analyzer 63

For the More Curious: How Does Messaging Work? 65

Challenge 66

Chapter 4: Memory Management 67

Living with Manual Reference Counting 69

Accessor Methods 77

Living with ARC 80

Chapter 5: Target/Action 83

Some Commonly Used Subclasses of NSControl 85

Start the SpeakLine Example 89

Lay Out the XIB File 90

Implementing the SpeakLineAppDelegate Class 94

For the More Curious: Setting the Target Programmatically 96

Challenge 96

Debugging Hints 98

Chapter 6: Helper Objects 99

Delegates 100

The NSTableView and Its dataSource 104

Lay Out the User Interface 107

Make Connections 109

Edit SpeakLineAppDelegate.m 110

For the More Curious: How Delegates Work 113

Challenge: Make a Delegate 114

Challenge: Make a Data Source 114

Chapter 7: Key-Value Coding and Key-Value Observing 117

Key-Value Coding 117

Bindings 119

Key-Value Observing 120

Making Keys Observable 121

Properties 124

For the More Curious: Key Paths 126

For the More Curious: Key-Value Observing 127

Chapter 8: NSArrayController 129

Starting the RaiseMan Application 130

Key-Value Coding and nil 139

Add Sorting 140

For the More Curious: Sorting without NSArrayController 141

Challenge 1 142

Challenge 2 142

Chapter 9: NSUndoManager 145

NSInvocation 145

How the NSUndoManager Works 146

Adding Undo to RaiseMan 148

Key-Value Observing 152

Undo for Edits 153

Begin Editing on Insert 156

For the More Curious: Windows and the Undo Manager 158

Chapter 10: Archiving 159

NSCoder and NSCoding 160

The Document Architecture 163

Saving and NSKeyedArchiver 167

Loading and NSKeyedUnarchiver 168

Setting the Extension and Icon for the File Type 170

For the More Curious: Preventing Infinite Loops 172

For the More Curious: Creating a Protocol 173

For the More Curious: Automatic Document Saving 174

For the More Curious: Document-Based Applications without Undo 175

Universal Type Identifiers 175

Chapter 11: Basic Core Data 177

NSManagedObjectModel 177

Interface 179

For the More Curious: View-Based versus Cell-Based Table Views 191

Challenge 191

Chapter 12: NIB Files and NSWindowController 193

NSPanel 193

Adding a Panel to the Application 194

For the More Curious: NSBundle 204

Challenge 206

Chapter 13: User Defaults 207

NSDictionary and NSMutableDictionary 208

NSUserDefaults 210

Setting Defaults 212

Letting the User Edit the Defaults 213

Using the Defaults 215

For the More Curious: NSUserDefaultsController 217

For the More Curious: Reading and Writing Defaults from the Command Line 217

Challenge 219

Chapter 14: Using Notifications 221

What Notifications Are and Are Not 221

What Notifications Are Not 222

NSNotification 222

NSNotificationCenter 222

Posting a Notification 224

Registering as an Observer 225

Handling the Notification When It Arrives 226

The userInfo Dictionary 226

For the More Curious: Delegates and Notifications 227

Challenge 228

Chapter 15: Using Alert Panels 229

Make the User Confirm the Deletion 230

Challenge 232

Chapter 16: Localization 233

Localizing a NIB File 234

String Tables 236

For the More Curious: ibtool 239

For the More Curious: Explicit Ordering of Tokens in Format Strings 240

Chapter 17: Custom Views 241

The View Hierarchy 241

Get a View to Draw Itself 243

Drawing with NSBezierPath 248

NSScrollView 250

Creating Views Programmatically 252

For the More Curious: Cells 253

For the More Curious: isFlipped 255

Challenge 255

Chapter 18: Images and Mouse Events 257

NSResponder 257

NSEvent 257

Getting Mouse Events 259

Using NSOpenPanel 259

Composite an Image onto Your View 264

The View’s Coordinate System 266

Autoscrolling 268

For the More Curious: NSImage 269

Challenge 270

Chapter 19: Keyboard Events 271

NSResponder 273

NSEvent 273

Create a New Project with a Custom View 274

For the More Curious: Rollovers 282

The Fuzzy Blue Box 284

Chapter 20: Drawing Text with Attributes 285

NSFont 285

NSAttributedString 286

Drawing Strings and Attributed Strings 289

Making Letters Appear 289

Getting Your View to Generate PDF Data 291

For the More Curious: NSFontManager 293

Challenge 1 293

Challenge 2 294

Chapter 21: Pasteboards and Nil-Targeted Actions 295

NSPasteboard 296

Add Cut, Copy, and Paste to BigLetterView 298

Nil-Targeted Actions 300

For the More Curious: Which Object Sends the Action Message? 303

For the More Curious: UTIs and the Pasteboard 303

For the More Curious: Lazy Copying 304

Challenge 1 305

Challenge 2 305

Chapter 22: Categories 307

Add a Method to NSString 307

For the More Curious: Declaring Private Methods 309

Chapter 23: Drag-and-Drop 311

Make BigLetterView a Drag Source 312

Make BigLetterView a Drag Destination 315

For the More Curious: Operation Mask 319

Chapter 24: NSTimer 321

Lay Out the Interface 323

Make Connections 325

Add Code to TutorController 326

For the More Curious: NSRunLoop 328

Challenge 328

Chapter 25: Sheets 329

Adding a Sheet 330

For the More Curious: contextInfo 335

For the More Curious: Modal Windows 336

Chapter 26: Creating NSFormatters 339

A Basic Formatter 341

The Delegate of the NSControl Class 347

Checking Partial Strings 348

Formatters That Return Attributed Strings 350

For the More Curious: NSValueTransformer 351

Chapter 27: Printing 353

Dealing with Pagination 353

For the More Curious: Are You Drawing to the Screen? 358

Challenge 358

Chapter 28: Web Services 359

RanchForecast Project 360

Opening URLs 368

Challenge: Add a WebView 369

Chapter 29: Blocks 371

Block Syntax 373

Challenge: Design a Delegate 381

Chapter 30: Developing for iOS 383

Porting RanchForecast to iOS 383

RootViewController 386

Add a Navigation Controller 388

ScheduleViewController 391

UITableViewController 392

Pushing View Controllers 393

Challenge 395

Chapter 31: View Swapping 397

Get Started 398

Add View Swapping to MyDocument 401

Resizing the Window 403

Chapter 32: Core Data Relationships 407

Edit the Model 407

Create Custom NSManagedObject Classes 409

Lay Out the Interface 411

EmployeeView.xib 413

Events and nextResponder 414

Chapter 33: Core Animation 417

Scattered 417

Civ 6 mac requirements. Implicit Animation and Actions 423

Challenge 1 425

Challenge 2 425

Chapter 34: Concurrency 427

Multithreading 427

Improving Scattered: Time Profiling in Instruments 431

NSOperationQueue 435

For the More Curious: Faster Scattered 438

Challenge 439

Chapter 35: Cocoa and OpenGL 441

A Simple Cocoa/OpenGL Application 442

Chapter 36: NSTask 451

ZIPspector 451

Challenge: .tar and .tgz files 460

Chapter 37: Distributing Your App 461

Build Configurations 461

Creating a Release Build 464

Application Sandboxing 466

The Mac App Store 468

Chapter 38: The End 471

Index 473

More Information

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This directory contains binaries for a base distribution and packages to run on Mac OS X (release 10.6 and above). Mac OS 8.6 to 9.2 (and Mac OS X 10.1) are no longer supported but you can find the last supported release of R for these systems (which is R 1.7.1) here. Releases for old Mac OS X systems (through Mac OS X 10.5) and PowerPC Macs can be found in the old directory.

Note: CRAN does not have Mac OS X systems and cannot check these binaries for viruses.Although we take precautions when assembling binaries, please use the normal precautions with downloaded executables.

Package binaries for R versions older than 3.2.0 are only available from the CRAN archive so users of such versions should adjust the CRAN mirror setting ( accordingly.

R 3.6.3 'Holding the Windsock' released on 2020/02/29

Important: since R 3.4.0 release we are now providing binaries for OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) and higher using non-Apple toolkit to provide support for OpenMP and C++17 standard features. To compile packages you may have to download tools from the tools directory and read the corresponding note below.

Please check the MD5 checksum of the downloaded image to ensure that it has not been tampered with or corrupted during the mirroring process. For example type
md5 R-3.6.3.pkg
in the Terminal application to print the MD5 checksum for the R-3.6.3.pkg image. On Mac OS X 10.7 and later you can also validate the signature using
pkgutil --check-signature R-3.6.3.pkg

Latest release:

R-3.6.3.pkg (notarized, for Catalina)
SHA1-hash: 2677aaf9da03e101f9e651c80dbec25461479f56
(ca. 77MB)

R-3.6.3.nn.pkg (regular)
SHA1-hash: c462c9b1f9b45d778f05b8d9aa25a9123b3557c4
(ca. 77MB)

R 3.6.3 binary for OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) and higher, signed package. Contains R 3.6.3 framework, GUI 1.70 in 64-bit for Intel Macs, Tcl/Tk 8.6.6 X11 libraries and Texinfo 5.2. The latter two components are optional and can be ommitted when choosing 'custom install', they are only needed if you want to use the tcltk R package or build package documentation from sources.

macOS Catalina users must use notarized version which enforces hardened run-time. All others can use regular version which uses the same runtime as previous R releases. R 3.6.2 was the last version that can be run on Catalina with regular runtime.

Note: the use of X11 (including tcltk) requires XQuartz to be installed since it is no longer part of OS X. Always re-install XQuartz when upgrading your macOS to a new major version.

Important: this release uses Clang 7.0.0 and GNU Fortran 6.1, neither of which is supplied by Apple. If you wish to compile R packages from sources, you will need to download and install those tools - see the tools directory.

NEWS (for Mac GUI)News features and changes in the Mac GUI
MD5-hash: b1ef5f285524640680a22965bb8800f8
Sources for the GUI 1.70 for Mac OS X. This file is only needed if you want to join the development of the GUI, it is not intended for regular users. Read the INSTALL file for further instructions.
Note: Previous R versions for El Capitan can be found in the el-capitan/base directory.

Binaries for legacy OS X systems:

MD5-hash: 893ba010f303e666e19f86e4800f1fbf
SHA1-hash: 5ae71b000b15805f95f38c08c45972d51ce3d027

(ca. 71MB)
R 3.3.3 binary for Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) and higher, signed package. Contains R 3.3.3 framework, GUI 1.69 in 64-bit for Intel Macs, Tcl/Tk 8.6.0 X11 libraries and Texinfo 5.2. The latter two components are optional and can be ommitted when choosing 'custom install', it is only needed if you want to use the tcltk R package or build package documentation from sources.

Note: the use of X11 (including tcltk) requires XQuartz to be installed since it is no longer part of OS X. Always re-install XQuartz when upgrading your OS X to a new major version.

MD5-hash: 58fe9d01314d9cb75ff80ccfb914fd65
SHA1-hash: be6e91db12bac22a324f0cb51c7efa9063ece0d0

(ca. 68MB)
R 3.2.1 legacy binary for Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) - 10.8 (Mountain Lion), signed package. Contains R 3.2.1 framework, GUI 1.66 in 64-bit for Intel Macs.
This package contains the R framework, 64-bit GUI (, Tcl/Tk 8.6.0 X11 libraries and Texinfop 5.2. GNU Fortran is NOT included (needed if you want to compile packages from sources that contain FORTRAN code) please see the tools directory.
NOTE: the binary support for OS X before Mavericks is being phased out, we do not expect further releases!
The new Cocoa GUI has been written by Simon Urbanek and Stefano Iacus with contributions from many developers and translators world-wide, see 'About R' in the GUI.


toolsAdditional tools necessary for building R for Mac OS X:
Universal GNU Fortran compiler for Mac OS X (see R for Mac tools page for details).
el-capitanBinaries of package builds for OS X 10.11 or higher (El Capitan build)
mavericksBinaries of package builds for Mac OS X 10.9 or higher (Mavericks build)
oldPreviously released R versions for Mac OS X

You may also want to read the R FAQ and R for Mac OS X FAQ. For discussion of Mac-related topics and reporting Mac-specific bugs, please use the R-SIG-Mac mailing list.

Information, tools and most recent daily builds of the R GUI, R-patched and R-devel can be found at Please visit that page especially during beta stages to help us test the Mac OS X binaries before final release!

Package maintainers should visit CRAN check summary page to see whether their package is compatible with the current build of R for Mac OS X.

Binary libraries for dependencies not present here are available from and corresponding sources at

Last modified: 2020/03/07, by Simon Urbanek