Powerpoint For Mac Turn Off Auto Resize

When you type too much text into a smaller text box, you might have seen that PowerPoint automatically reduces the size of your text so that everything can fit in—or thetext container itself increases in size. Procmon 64 bit. Does this automatic hand-holding by PowerPoint interrupt your work? Well, you really don't have to worry because you can controlthis default behavior of PowerPoint.

There are two ways to solve this issue, and the way you choose depends upon how much control you want:

Launch PowerPoint 2016 for Windows, and choose File Options, as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Options within the File menu. This opens the PowerPoint Options dialog box. Here, click the Proofing option within the sidebar to view the options on the right side of the dialog-box that you see in Figure 2.

  1. Control Autofit Options Globally: Works only on the computer where you make this change.
  2. Control Autofit Options for a particular Text Box or Placeholder: Works only on the particulartext box or placeholder you select. If you want to apply changes to all textplaceholders, then don't make these changes for every individual text placeholder. Not only will working with individual text placeholders be monotonous, but also youwill lose the consistent look of successive slides. Therefore, make these changes for particular text placeholders within theSlide Master.

Control Text Autofit Options Globally

To control the Text Autofit options globally in PowerPoint 2016 for Mac, followthese steps:

Powerpoint For Mac Turn Off Auto Resize
  1. Select the PowerPointPreferences menu option, as shown in Figure 1.

  2. Figure 1: Preferences option selected within PowerPoint menu
  3. This opens the PowerPoint Preferences dialog box that you can see in Figure 2. Select theAutoCorrect option (highlighted in red within Figure 2).

  4. Figure 2: AutoCorrect option within PowerPoint Preferences dialog box
  5. This opens the AutoCorrect dialog box that you can see in Figure 3, which includes two tabs. Amongthese tabs, select the AutoFormat As You Type tab (highlighted in red withinFigure 3).

  6. Figure 3: AutoFormat As You Type tab selected within AutoCorrect dialog box
  7. Locate the Apply As You Type section (highlighted in blue within Figure 2), whereyou'll find two AutoFit options. You may find the check-boxes associated with these options checked or unchecked, although we believe they are allchecked by default. Check or un-check these check-boxes as per the requirement:
  8. Autofit body text to placeholder

  9. Automatically fits the body text within a text placeholder. If there's more text, PowerPoint automatically reduces the font size of the text to make space for the new text.
  10. Automatic bulleted and numbered lists

  11. Automatically creates bulleted or numbered list as the text is typed. This option worksmainly with text boxes rather than text placeholders because the latter almost always already include bullets. In the text boxes, you can:
  12. Type '1.', that is the number 1 followed by a period, and then start typing. The moment you hit Return key to create anew line, PowerPoint automatically creates a numbered list.
  13. Type '- ', that is a hyphen followed by a space, and then start typing. The moment you hit Return key to create a newline, PowerPoint automatically creates a bulleted list.
  14. Note that the Automatic bulleted and numbered lists option reduces the font size of the text rather than increasing the size of the text placeholder.If you want that sort of control, you should explore the options explained in the next section. For now, make your choices as required by selecting or deselecting thecheck-boxes. Close the dialog boxes to get back to thePowerPoint interface.

Control Autofit Options Individually

Follow these steps to control the Autofit options for a particular Text Box or placeholder (or even a shape that contains text):

  1. Select the particular Text Box (on a slide) or placeholder (within theSlide Master) by clicking on its edge. Right-click toget the context menu you see in Figure 4. Select the Format Shape option (refer Figure 4).

  2. Figure 4: Format Shape option selected
  3. This will open the Format Shape Task Pane (see Figure 4). Make sure you choose Text Options tab (highlighted inred within Figure 4). Then click the Text Box button (highlighted in bluewithin Figure 4). All the options related to Text Box layout are highlighted in green within Figure 4.

  4. Figure 4: Format Shape Task Pane
  5. Within the Format Shape Task Pane you'll find three radio buttons. You can only select one of these options, asexplained below:
  6. Do not Autofit

  7. Does not fit the text automatically within the selected Text Box orplaceholder. If you don't want PowerPoint to automatically reflow your text or increase the size of the text container, thenchoose this option to have complete control over the location and size of your Text Boxes. Also, you have complete control overthe font size of the text.
  8. Shrink text on overflow

  9. Fits all the text by reducing the text's font size to keep the textfitted within the Text Box or placeholder. If you have too much text, you might end up with teeny-weeny text.
  10. Resize shape to fit text

  11. Retains the text size but increases the size of the Text Box orplaceholder so that the extra text can reflow itself within the resized Text Box or the placeholder. This also works for shapesbut be very wary of using this option for shapes. Be aware that even if you choose the Lock Aspect Ratiocheck-box within the Shape Options tab Size option of the Format Shape TaskPane as shown highlighted in red within Figure 5, the shape will only resize itself vertically rather than both vertically andhorizontally!

  12. Figure 5: Lock Aspect Ratio check-box selected within the Format Shape Task Pane
  13. Make your choices, and save your presentation often.
Tip: If you want all text placeholders in your presentation to not autofit, make sure you do these changes in theSlide Master. Note that a Slide Master may have severalSlide Layouts contained. You will also need to change the autofitsettings for everysingle text placeholder (and title placeholders too, if you want) within the multiple Slide Layouts.