Sap Sql Anywhere Php Module Build For Mac

You can use the SQL Anywhere PHP extension and the PHP language to write standalone scripts and create dynamic web pages that rely on information stored in SQL Anywhere databases. The SQL Anywhere PHP extension provides a native means of accessing your databases from PHP. How to build the SQL Anywhere PHP extension on Unix and Mac OS X.

This is a SQL Anywhere database backend for Django. The backend isdistributed as a stand-alone python module. This backend has beentested with SQL Anywhere versions 12, 16, and 17 using Django versions 1.1.4,1.2.7, 1.3.7, 1.4.10, 1.5.5, 1.6.1, 1.7.1, 1.8.5, 1.9.x, 1.10.x , 1.11.6

  1. Install the required software

    1. SQL Anywhere 12.0.0 (or higher)

    The SQL Anywhere Web Edition is a free, full-featured version fordevelopment and deployment of browser based applications. If you don'talready have a license for SQL Anywhere, the Web Edition is a greatplace to start. Get the Web Edition at

    1. Python (2.4 or greater)

    Install Python if you don't already have it installed. We recommendPython 2.7 but any version greater than 2.4 is supported. Python 3 issupported in Django 1.6 and later. You can download python from

    If you are running on Linux you will most likely also be able to findpython through your distribution's package management system.

    1. Python setuptools

    The setuptools project for python acts as a package manager for Pythoncode. Using setuptools will make it trivial to install the correctversion of Django to use with SQL Anywhere. You can get setuptools forpython from

    Again, if you are running on Linux you most likely be able to findsetuptools through your distribution's package managementsystem. This package is called 'python-setuptools' on Ubuntu and'python-setuptools-devel' on Fedora.

    Egx-300 EGX-300 Desktop Rotary Engraver technical support page such as support articles, support guides, software updates, firmware, drivers and manuals. RELEASE NOTES:Updates:Version 4.380 firmware provides:.Added support for remote devices with Device IDs equal to 255.Added additional EM6400 Series meters Real Time Energy Readings.Added support for the PM5500 Series meters Input Metering Values.Addresses the issue where Acti9 Smartlink Devices did not have Dashboard data available in version 4.360 and 4.370.Addresses Failed SMTP server Authentication issue where the EGX300 could not authenticate with some SMTP servers.Addresses.

    1. Django

    Once you have installed setuptools, installing Django is a snap, simply run:

    If you want a specific version of Django, you can give the version usingthe syntax. For example, if you want 1.6.1, you can use:

    1. Python SQL Anywhere Database Interface

    If you are using pip to install the SQL Anywhere Django driver, you canskip this step since the SQL Anywhere Python driver will be installedas part of that step.

    The SQL Anywhere Database Interface for Python provides a Database API v2compliant driver (see Python PEP 249) for accessing SQL Anywheredatabases from Python. The SQL Anywhere backend for Django is built ontop of this interface so installing it is required.

    You can use pip to make this easy:

    Alternatively, you can obtain the Python SQL Anywhere Database Interfacefrom Install the driver bydownloading the source and running the following command:

    1. SQL Anywhere Django Backend

      Again, use pip to install this easily:

      This will install the SQL Anywhere python driver if it was not alreadyinstalled.

      Or you can obtain the SQL Anywhere Database backend for Django from Install the backend bydownloading the source and running the following command:

  2. Setup your environment

    (Linux/Unix/Mac OS X only)

    SQL Anywhere requires several environment variables to be set to runcorrectly -- the most important of which are PATH andLD_LIBRARY_PATH. The SQL Anywhere install creates a file to set all necessary environment variables automatically(Note the file is named sa_config.csh if you are using a cshderivative as your shell).

    This file is located in the 'bin32' and/or the 'bin64' directories ofyour install. Before trying to run the SQL Anywhere server or connectto a running server in a given shell you should make sure to sourcethe file (with the '.' command) corresponding to the bitness of theSQL Anywhere binaries you want to use. For example, if you are running 64-bitsoftware and the product is installed in /opt/sqlanywhere16 you should run:

  3. Create a database

    Issue the following command to create a new database to use withDjango. Note that we are specifying the UCA collation so that that CHARcolumns in the database will support unicode strings.

    If all goes well SQL Anywhere will have created a new database filenamed 'django.db' in the directory where you ran the dbinitcommand. Feel free to move this database file to any location youwant. You can even copy it to a machine running a different operatingsystem if you wish.

  4. Start the Database Server

    SQL Anywhere includes two different database servers -- The personalserver (dbeng12/dbeng16) and the network server (dbsrv12/dbsrv16). Bothservers support the same complete set of features except that thepersonal server is limited to running on one CPU, allows a maximum of10 concurrent connections and does not accept network connections fromother machines. We will use the network server for our example.

  5. Configure Django

    Creating a new Django site and configuring it to use SQL Anywhere isvery easy. First create the site in the normal fashion:

    Then edit the file mysite/mysite/ and change the DATABASESsetting to match what is given below:

    Here's how the parameters correspond to SQL Anywhere connection parameters:

    • NAME = DatabaseName (DBN)
    • USER = Userid (UID)
    • PASSWORD = Password (PWD)
    • HOST = Host
    • PORT = (port number in host, i.e. myhost:portnum)

    If you need to specify other connection parameters (eg. ENG),you can set a value with the key 'OPTIONS', like this:

    HOST and PORT default to 'localhost' and '2638'. If you want to use sharedmemory, set the HOST and PORT values to None:

    Alternatively, you can set the parameters in an ODBC data source using thedbdsn utility and then specify the DSN connection parameter. The ENGINEparameter must still be specified. Any other parameters (eg. USER, HOST, etc.)that are specified will override the value in the DSN. For example:

    Note: SQL Anywhere allows you to run several database servers on onemachine. For this reason you should always specify the server you wantto connect to as well as the database name. However if you want to connect toa server running in a SA OnDemand (cloud) environment, you should specify theNAME and HOST (and optionally PORT) options, and not specify the server name.

  6. Test to make sure everything is working

    The SQL Anywhere database backend for Django makes use of the PythonSQL Anywhere Database interface. We first want to test that thisinterface is working correctly before testing Django connectivityitself. Create a file named with the followingcontents:

    Run the test script and ensure that you get the expected output:

    To test that Django can make use of the SQL Anywhere Database backendsimply change to the 'mysite' directory created in step 5 and askDjango to create the tables for the default applications.

    If you don't receive any errors at this point thencongratulations. Django is now correctly configured to use SQLAnywhere as a backend.

  7. What to do if you have problems?

    If you run into problems, don't worry. First try re-reading theinstructions above and make sure you haven't missed a step. If you arestill having issues here are a few resources to help you figureout what went wrong. You can consult the documentation, or post to aforum where many of the SQL Anywhere engineers hang out.

    SQL Anywhere Online Documentation:
    SQL Anywhere Development Forum:
  8. Where to go from here?

    SQL Anywhere should now be successfully configured as a backend foryour Django site. To learn more about creating web applications withDjango try the excellent series of tutorials provided by the Djangoproject:

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Sap Sql Anywhere Php Module Build For Mac


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